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A Prayer for Mother Earth

I’ve been thinking a lot about our home, this Earth, and was feeling a lot of fear for all the ways we are ruining the environment and killing all of her species off, and then it occurred to me that there is another way, there is another prayer.

So I let go of the fear and the worry about what I and others are doing in our unconscious states and each morning, I am imagining the change I wish to see.

Envisioning our planet healing... the carbon build up is instead decreasing, we are taking the right actions to create a much smaller, more sustainable footprint. Seeing new inventions that speed this process up. Seeing our temperatures stabilizing and ecosystems beginning to thrive again.

I see corporations either dissolving or taking responsibility for the mess they’ve helped create.

Instead of focusing on their bottom lines, they are focusing on what truly matters...LIFE in all it’s


I see people taking their power back and standing up for what they believe in instead of

cowering in the corner trying not to offend anyone.

I see communities coming together to solve problems and create understanding and a nurturing

environment. I see them opening lines of communication and opening arms for every race,

every gender, every religion, etc.

I see a world where each home is powered by renewable energy and has a beautiful garden

attached. Where people are conscious of what they put into their bodies and share the fruits of

their bounty with all their brothers and sisters.

I see people coming together , not pointing fingers at each other or blaming each other for our

predicament, but working together to find viable solutions that help ALL.

I see respect for all of life, not just humans, or a subset of humans, not just fluffy animals, but

bugs, reptiles, birds, etc. not just plants we like, but the “weeds” too. ALL of LIFE.

I see a place where sustainability isn’t a dirty word with “hippie and conspiracy” connotations,

but a celebrated and sought after concept to emulate and create.

I see a place where we come together, lay down our differences and see the value and

magnificence of each individual, the uniqueness that creates innovation and keeps our species

viable for generations to come.

Virginia Underwood


Hear, O Humankind, the prayer of my heart

For are we not one, have we not one desire,

to heal our Mother Earth and bind her wounds

to hear again from dark forests and flashing rivers

the varied ever-changing Song of Creation?

O humankind, are we not all brothers and sisters,

are we not the grandchildren of the Great Mystery?

Do we not all want to love and be loved, to work

and play, to sing and dance together?

But we live with fear. Fear that is hate, fear

that is mistrust, envy, greed, vanity, fear that is

ambition, competition, aggression, fear that is

loneliness, anger, bitterness, cruelty... and yet,

fear is only twisted love, loved turned back on itself,

love that was denied, love that was rejected...

and love...

Love is life- creation, seed, and leaf

and blossom and fruit and seed, love is growth

and search and reach and touch and dance

Love is nurture and succor and feed and pleasure,

love is pleasuring ourselves pleasuring each other,

love is life believing in itself.

And life...

Life is the Sacred Mystery singing to itself, dancing

to its drum, telling tales, improvising, playing

and we are all that Spirit, our stories all

but one cosmic story that we are loved indeed,

that perfect love in me seeks the love in you,

and if our eyes could ever meet without fear

we would recognize each other and rejoice,

for love is life believing in itself.



Virginia Underwood, Executive Director of Radiant Living Center & Transformation Coach Website:

Manitonquat was an American author of two books, and several more self-published booklets on New Age philosophy, spirituality, and community sociology. He has led workshops and rituals at the Rainbow Gatherings held by the Rainbow Family.

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